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Resolving Conflict in Marriage

 - Paulo Bisogno


Is conflict the binding balm or the slippery slope?  This workshop will explore and help you see how “the problem” is not “the problem.”

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Success Begins with Listening: You, Your Family, Work

 - Lee Renata

Strengthen family scripture study through “Come Follow Me” and seminary.

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Agency and Mental Health:

Some Surprising Connections

 - Vicki & Strantz Wihongi


Lessons learned about personal resilience and healthy family relationships from years of counselling.  An interactive session supported by gospel doctrine.

“Come Follow Me” to Seminary

 - Elly Edwards:

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Strengthen family scripture study through “Come Follow Me” and seminary.

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Changing Your Eating Mindset

to Live

 - Logo Granger

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Discover the surprising long-term effects of sugar on the body, identify healthy serving sizes, then permanently change your mindset for positive health and fitness. 

Discovering the Word of Wisdom

- Jane Birch


Gain new insights into the Word of Wisdom from a whole food, plant-based perspective. Learn the principles for losing weight.


Signature Strengths for a Fuller, Happier Life

 - Stacey Baker


Learn how Signature Strengths can create empowerment to eliminate stress and anxiety, strengthen relationships, and assist in life changes.

Godliness: Key to Healthiness

 - Hans Sorensen

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Trust God, the great physician with your well-being. Learn how the components of the first and great commandment are not only saving properties but are critical to your temporal well-being.

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How to Keep Healthy and Active

in Your Senior Years

 - Elder & Sister Simmons

Tips to make sure you’re eating right, exercising moderately, getting proper rest, and drinking lots of water.

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How to Identify and Help Those with Mental Disorders

 - Cassie & James Ratana

It's not always easy to identify those who struggle with mental disorders.  Learn how to best serve and support those who might need your help

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Peak Performances are Planned and Programmed 

- Jim Ritchie

Plug in a personal constitution, a patriarchal blessing, and a plan, then prepare to witness the MIRACLES that happen to those who believe.

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Leading Out - His Way

 - Terry Pitts

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Through His example, the Lord has shown us how to be great leaders. What are these characteristics? Learn how can you can develop and apply these traits in your personal lives.

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Reaching Out - His Way

- Mary Pitts

How is the church today ‘Reaching Out’ to touch the lives of our neighbours and communities?  See how to apply these principles in your own communities

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Mentoring Returned Missionaries

 -Hare Pitama

What pre-mission planning is the most help for post-mission life?  How do you refine that plan while serving? What  focus is most important after a mission? Learn how to set the best life-shaping goals the first 3 years home.

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Developing Leadership and Management Skills in the Church

 -Naomi Malaeulu, Janene Matthews

Many members have great testimonies but sometimes lack the leadership skills to guide others.  Learn about ways to help members become great leaders.

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The Atonement and Grace of Jesus Christ

- Brad Wilcox

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Grace is the power the Atonement of Christ makes available in our lives. It is received by covenant and allows us to progress from grace to grace to transform us to be more like Christ.

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Peak Performances are Planned and Programmed 

- Jim Ritchie

Plug in a personal constitution, a patriarchal blessing, and a plan, then prepare to witness the MIRACLES that happen to those who believe.

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Doctrine of the Two Ways: Deciding on Zion or Babylon

 - Les Harris

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A close look at the doctrine of Moroni 7:11-12 to help us avoid what Brigham Young described as “holding Zion by one hand and Babylon by the other.”

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Decision Making: Defining

Your Destiny Without Fear

 - President Phillip Skeen

“Making decisions is probably the most important thing people ever do” (President Benson).  Learn to improve your ability to make wise decisions with Jesus Christ.

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The Doctrine of Death

 - Les Harris

The subject the Prophet Joseph said we should study more than any other. New insights into Psalms 116, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints.”

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Overcome Adversity with Smart Faith

- Alyson Whatcott

Why should we make plans when they are always changing?  Learn how to recognize revelation and exercise faith in this complicated world.


The Cycle of Spiritual Guidance

 - Steve and Ginger Hitz

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Understand HOW to discover your true identity. Learn HOW to invoke the Holy Spirit

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Beware the Double Life

(and Living a Congruent Life)

 - Steve and Ginger Hitz

Turn fear to faith; turn depression and anxiety to hope. Be your WHOLE self everywhere you go, everywhere you live.

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Put the Pressure on Paper 

- Pamela Reid


Learn how writing can be a form of meditation and introspection. Learn how to craft succinct and significant stories for journals and personal histories.

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Getting and Protecting Testimonies in an Era of

Hostility and Doubt

 - Elder Lynn McMurray

Learn how to obtain, nourish, and protect our testimonies amidst incessant assault in an increasingly hostile and disbelieving world.

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Digital Scripture Wizardry: Beyond Muggle Methods

 – Elder Whatcott

Learn how to use the full capabilities of the Gospel Library app and other resources as well as other amazing hidden features that few members have fully explored.

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Be Happier by being Better Connected to Others

 - Jo Donson

Learn simple techniques that will help you effectively connect with others and provide insights why people behave as they do.  Create personal success and more team empathy.

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Becoming a Non-Victim

Christian in Your Relationships

- Lili Anderson

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Explore the intricacies of avoiding the trap of being a victim while following the Savior’s admonition to love and forgive.

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Heaven Journaling

- Becky Edwards

Learn a simple, powerful process that combines prayer, scriptures, and writing to increase your personal revelation.

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Remarkable Parallels: American Indian and LDS Rituals

- Les Harris

Are our temple ordinances as old as the human race? The world is littered with scattered fragments of the original. Fascinating parallels can add a new dimension to your temple experience.

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The Five Insane Myths

That Vex Millenials

 - President Phillip Skeen

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Millennial Mythbusting: 5 insane myths that vex young adults. Hear the legends and the debunking truths about the magnificent Millennial.

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Key Moments in the

Ongoing Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

- Elder Gary E. Stevenson

From the 2019 BYU Education Week devotional, a fascinating and entertaining look-back at the history of BYU Education Week, and education's significance for the restoration of the gospel in our day.

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Pathway: A School in Zion

 - Bryan Pope:

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Learn how the Lord is using education to serve the hidden many and build up the kingdom of God by establishing a local school in Zion. Find out what Pathway can do for you.

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Moses and Money on the Mountain

 - Jim Ritchie

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The formula for success and happiness will be revealed as we go to the mountain and be EMPOWERED by some of the shakers and bakers who have changed the world.

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The Blessings of a Good Education & Meaningful Employment

 - Elder Warren Gubler

Is obtaining a good education worth the investment of time and money?  What is meaningful employment?  What do you hope to accomplish with your life? Gospel insights shared.

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The 5 Top Things to Look for in Buying a Business

 - Laurence Day

How to throw out the rosy coloured glasses and get ruthless when assessing the true value of a business proposition.

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Family Trusts: How Can They Protect Our Assets

 - Dan Harrison

Family trusts are a popular asset protection tool.  Learn how they work, what to consider when deciding whether to establish one, and how to get the most out of it when you have one.

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Swimming Between the Flags: - Avoiding Unnecessary

Financial Risk

 - John McLean

What are the key principles that underpin sound financial planning?  Gain insights based on the tale of the Tortoise and the Hare.

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How to Get a Banker to Say Yes, and A Few Tips to Create Wealth!

 - Alan Leuluai

Learn what the bank is looking for when they are assessing your home loan application or a business loan.


Practical University Hacks

 - Elder and Sister Kaka

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Learn smarter. Learn faster. Learn how to hack a traditional university system to work for you. University cross-credits, online learning, a revolutionary skill certificate, and avoiding student debt.

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Navigating Graduate Education

in the US

 - Logan Gillette

Learn how to navigate the admissions process to get your Masters or Doctoral degree in the US.  Learn about graduate programs, student visas, funding, and more at BYU.

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Every Pathway Starts Off

with a Vision

 - Benjamin Armstrong

Find out how one simple change in your life can increase your ability to accomplish up to 80% of your goals.

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The Power of Innovation

 - Jesse Armstrong

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Unpack the power of innovation by identifying your potential to innovate and learning how to turn innovative ideas into profitable businesses,

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The Mindset for Successfully Starting a Business

 - Richard Taurima

Learn from the case studies of other New Zealanders who have successfully started their own companies.  Discover their secrets of success.

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Personal Leadership and Business

 - Pres Anthony Wilson

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Discover how strengthening your personal leadership skills can lead to success in business.

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Top Tips to Become a Highly

Effective Communicator

- Abinadi Lameko

Do you want to give presentations in a manner that people always remember? Find out the secret to a great marriage, friendship, missionary, leader, and presenter.

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The Price to Follow Your Dream of Who You Want to Be

- Joseph Apulu

What it took me to get a BMus in Composition and Music Production


Welfare and Self-Reliance Services, New Zealand

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